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Some impressions of a flourishing community – bits from the MiniDebConf Curitiba @ Montreal

Last month I more-or-less accepted an invitation that got me scared at first, panicking after a while. Why do I put myself in such an uncomfortable position? Well, I think that’s how we grow up ;-) I was first contacted to talk about women participation in Debian, which I kindly refused, but I said I would maybe talk about motivating new contributors, possibly with some more friends that would maybe join me at the stage.…
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Report from the MicroDebconf Brasília 2015

This was an event organized due to a coincidental meeting of a few DD’s in the city of Brasilia on May 31st 2015. What a good thing when we can mix vacations, friends and Debian ;-) http://tassia.wp.acaia.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2015/08/BSB_group_photo.jpg We called it Micro due to its short duration and planning phase, to be fair with other Mini DebConfs that take a lot more of organization. We also ended up having a translation sprint inside the event that attracted contributors from other cities.…
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Killing my persona in the “book of faces”

Here lies Tassia Camoes Araujo. February 23, 2015. I kill my persona in respect to Snowden, Poitras, Greenwald and everyone else who make sacrifices to expose to the world the degree of surveillance to which we are subjected. Watch Citizenfour when you have an opportunity and think about your habits too. Information is control and privacy is our right. Long life to whitleblowers, independent journalism, hackers and all those who fight for human rights.…
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